18 August 2007

let's get ready to rumbalaarrrraa!

so i wonder what my roommate thinks about 'the thong song' blaring from my speakers. have i mentioned my roommate at all? she is an absolute doll, very studious, kind of quiet. except some nights she doesn't get home until after i do, but she doesn't go out. and she reminds kristen of a cartoon character..she doesn't walk anywhere.. just sort of.. prances. like a gazelle.

(side note: remember in 1805 freshman year.. I WANNA BE A GAZELLE! thats a shout out to amelia-town)

anyways. so today we just got back from shepparton, victoria, the fifth largest city in the state (NOT country). it was..rural. it reminded me a lot of felch, michigan, which for those of you who don't know is a city up in northern michigan in the middle of nowhere that has a walmart. shepp (as i will affectionately call it) has k-mart. and an aldi! aldi's are huge here, apparently..pdave would be in love with all the fit'n'active selections..

so why were we in boofoo, aus? we had a field trip for my oh-so-technical sport history class about aboriginal communities and the clubs they run. we went to a center called ASHE and a club called rumbalara, and watched some footy and netty. first of all, netty is the stupidest sport in the world. i guess that's the american in me saying that, as apparently it's pretty popular across the globe. but it seems to me to be an excuse for girls' basketball (which they do have here?) and you can't dribble and can't shoot layups and you have to wear a skirt and wear a bib that has your position on it. and it's specifically girls only. the players and everything were good but it seemed to be a less-contact, more feminine sort of basketball. you have to stand back 3 feet or something when people get the ball to shoot in an un-backboarded basket. in conclusion: let the girls dribble!

so the fieldtrip was fun..it was overnight, and we stayed in cabins. me, kristen, and siobhan were in one with 2 other girls, and we ended up in the same bed (how did that happen?) which actually worked out for the best because it was nice and warm and i'm a very cold person (obviously. cold and bitter). oh! so we went out for pizza at some local joint and got ice cream after. word to the wise: never buy imitation tim tams. we bought the coles version: "why pay less for everyday basics?" um, because, your version SUCKS. it had a white gluey paste in the middle instead of tim tam love. yes, i still ate like 252 of them. but that is besides the point.

we also met some australians outside our cabin late in the morning (1 am? not that late, actually) who happended to be really racist when we told them why we were in the area. we talked about the aboriginal footy club and how we were geniunely surprised not to see a population of indigenous people i guess just walking around (give us credit, we're bloody americans, and siobhan was 'a bit tipsy' <3) and they go 'if you're looking for Abos, there's probably a pack of them hiding behind your cabin ready to spear you'. um, ok. let's just say we didn't stay to make long lasting friendships.

so anyways..this past week has been BAM BAM BAM. i haven't skyped the family in a while which sucks because amanda will text me being like vito is awake! or ash and brandon are over! and i am all "i am far away from the computer" which sigh sucks. but skype has not been working lately so i don't know if it would even work and that would just be hella frustrating. oh! i did skype madi way back a while ago, maggie was there too. how crazy was that - i have not talked to her in WAY too long AND she's already back at loyola getting ready for the semester. it is crazy how they are just starting now and i have been in school for 4 weeks (granted, doing nothing. i should get on that.)

wednesday we went to this super chill cool place called 'bar nothing' and had 7 cocktails for 20$. let's just say we will be going back. and then we landed up at pa's where i realized that moccasins + dirty pa's = disaster. OH!

so on our way from bar nothing to pa's we took the tram and ended up getting stopped by the yarra tram popo!!!! they were all "let us see your tickets" and i was all "i am cheap and bought a concession even though i do not have a concession card" and they were all "siobhan why did you validate your ticket if you are a dumb american" and siobhan was all "how did you know my name" and then those 2 random "twins" were all "they are dumb americans let them go" and the popo were all "alright you scared us off with your wits" and we were all "yaaaaay! RUN AWAY NOW!" of course that is all paraphrased. but still! ADRENALINE RUSH! ps me - have a ticket next time. it is not worth 150$ to save 1.30.

thursday we got together and made haystacks but sadly with allbran instead of fiber one which still tasted good but they are much pointier and will poke your mouth! also, they don't believe in butterscotch ANYTHING here so that was a letdown. anyone have a good butterscotch recipe? butter + scotch?

alright, yos, i reckon it's time for tea. let's do this.

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